Low risk precision trading
Here at Midas Touch Consulting risk control is our foremost goal. This requires endless hours of backward and forward testing of each individual market, sector, instrument and time frame to stack the odds as best as possible and extract trading principles that allow for best trading results. In our chartbook from May 4th we posted the following two charts to anticipate entries for Bitcoin. Both scenarios worked out perfectly and we posted the entries and exits live in our free Telegram channel. Low risk precision trading is possible if one does the homework.
BTC-USDT, Daily Chart From May 4th Chartbook (First Setup):

BTC-USDT, daily chart as of May 4th, 2020
This was our setup at the time anticipating an entry on the upper channel line.

BTC-USDT, Daily Chart From May 8th, Precise Low Risk Entry:

BTC-USDT, daily chart as of May 8th, 2020
Shortly after publication of the chartbook from May 4th prices reached precisely the upper channel line. We posted this entry in real time into our Telegram channel. This as well as all three exits that locked in nice profits for a reload trade. See our quad strategy for detailed exit rules and principles.
BTC-USDT, Daily Chart From May 4th Chartbook (Second Setup):

BTC-USDT, daily chart as of May 4th, 2020 b
And here the second setup where we were hoping for a larger retracement towards the mid channel support line.
BTC-USDT, Daily Chart From May 18th, Nailed it again:

BTC-USDT, daily chart as of May 18th, 2020 b
And again a week later our second price forecast was fulfilled to a T. How could we know such precision a week into the future. It is typical to Bitcoin. After looking at hundreds of directional channel lines and thousands of entries, this specific setup has a higher probability than other formations in Bitcoin. Again we were able to post these entries live in our Telegram channel. Generous profits were extracted on exceptional risk reward ratios and a portion of the trade is still exposed in the direction of the trend.
Low risk precision trading
At Midas Touch Consulting we are fully transparent! We share our findings and post trades in real time into our Telegram channel. Our team works vigorously to find these jewels for creating edges and preserving wealth. We encourage the reader to draw these channel lines into their charts to find the same confidence, for how well these entries are suited to Bitcoin. When dealing with a market this volatile, low risk entries are hard to come by.
We pride ourselves to have extracted many of these specific market niche findings as well as general inter market relationship principles. To the contrarian belief of many that precision trading is futile in a volatile market, our trade statistics proof otherwise. It is important to forward test such edges explained on paper or small execution size for yourself to gain the confidence necessary into the validity of such signal generation for solid execution of trades.
We post real time entries and exits for many cryptocurrencies in our free Telegram channel.
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