Tick Tack Wake Up

No, we are not after flashy headlines. We feel an urgency because we are a wealth preservation consulting company and feel alert. It seems a mystery why humans procrastinate when it comes to essential questions for their well-being. Putting your head like an Ostrich into the sand in times like these to avoid a proactive approach of taking care of your financial future could have devastating results. Tick Tack Wake Up.

It isn’t atypical, relying on history, that about every hundred years a time segment is accelerated and many transformations happen within a very short period. Just like a perfect storm various aspect align and require humankind to anticipatory act in their own best interest. Otherwise, you lose out and get swallowed by external circumstances. We see such a time right now. Waiting for transparency and following the herd can be one of the most unfruitful ways of market participation in times like these.

The development of Bitcoin has shown that we are not alone in our views. What has started getting attention in its teens has a price value now over ten thousand. Once spoken about with a snicker has now found its legitimate place in the markets. What was once only purchasable in shady bars is now a liquid asset class trading on numerous exchanges. Without a doubt, Bitcoin has found worldwide adoption!

BTC-USDT, Monthly Chart, Direction present:

BTC-USDT, monthly chart as of October 5th, 2020

BTC-USDT, monthly chart as of October 5th, 2020

The monthly chart shows Bitcoin having moved over the last six months through two significant fractal resistance zones. They have become support now, each with a 500-point supply and demand carpet below a strong support line. Bitcoin has direction and is bullish. Alongside a cup and handle formation is showing a prosper continuation setup.



BTC-USDT, Weekly Chart, Timing probabilities:

BTC-USDT, weekly chart as of October 5th, 2020

BTC-USDT, weekly chart as of October 5th, 2020

Weekly chart time frames, here represented with high and low reversal point time cycles, can be mutually promising interpreted. They indicate a higher likelihood than not to show price advances towards the end of the year. The “big number” of ten thousand below provides additional support.

BTC-USDT, Daily Chart, No need to be first:

BTC-USDT, daily chart as of October 4th, 2020

BTC-USDT, daily chart as of October 4th, 2020

Where it gets trickier is about entry timing. While we are well-positioned with runner positions from our low-risk quad exit strategy posted in real-time in our free telegram channel, new entries are not favorable at this juncture.  The volume profile analysis shows the price to be trading right at the point of control (red horizontal line). This eliminates a true edge for entry. The highest likelihood at this point is a brief failed breakout to the upside of a congestion triangle zone. Followed by a possible sharp reversal. This at least has been the case the last time price has tried to reach higher in its last congestion zone (marked in yellow lines).

Tick Tack Wake Up

With a lack of political leadership around the globe, a diluting process of fiat currencies, a multitude of economic stresses, and economic strain through a worldwide pandemic, and a brooding dissatisfaction of many citizens around the world in various political systems, little negative news could bring a card house tumbling down in a hurry.

However, we don’t believe in fear-based motivated actions. Summing up the above-mentioned and many more factors makes thinking in terms of “business as usual” unrealistic. The train has left the station. You can’t just call your broker, buy a few DOW stocks and find yourself after 30 years with a nice bundle of money in addition to your pension. Times have changed.

We believe that a physical holding of precious metals, a very selective portfolio of mining stocks, and ownership of Bitcoin is essential to weather the storm.

We post real time entries and exits for many cryptocurrencies in our free Telegram channel.

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